

Save Time & Money with Good to Go! Holiday
Shortcuts! Now you can quickly turn
almost any design into Santa Clocks, Calendars, Gift Wrap signs
& more! Just pick the Shortcut that best matches your favorite
design (some designs work better than others). You'll get great
layouts, and you'll save
on art charges, because most of the work is already done! We can even design your other Holiday collateral
to match your Shortcuts. You'll love the value and convenience
of Good to Go! Holiday Shortcuts. Use
any color! Mix and Match Shortcuts as you wish. |
Clocks with Repositionable Hands only $24.95 Clocks are great for letting people know when Santa's break is over. Clocks can be made from any design, and come with repositional clock hands in Black, White or Red. Use "Santa Will Return" or the headline of your choice. May not fit some designs.

Repositionable Clock Hands in Red,
Black or White |
Enter/Exit Signs Use our Enter and Exit Shortcuts to direct traffic at your Santa Set. Add to ANY Poster for FREE! Save on Art Time! |
Calendar Grids Art time can add up fast when you're creating a complicated calendar for Holiday Hours. Good to Go! Calendar shortcuts streamline the process so you save on art time! Our calendars extend from the week of Thanksgiving through New Year's Day (alterations are OK) Feel free to change the "Holday Hours" headline to any headline you wish. Add to ANY Poster for FREE! Save on Art Time! |
All ideas, images, and concepts © Copyright 2003-2019 Good to Go! Graphics® Inc. |